
Clarkston, MI

  (2 restaurants - Hide Closed)    
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Restaurant Notes
Clarkston Union Bar & KitchenSee Clarkston Union Bar & Kitchen Video ($$)
(464 ratings)

54 S Main St Map It!
Clarkston, MI 48346
(248) 620-6100
  • Mac and Cheese
    written up in Wall Street Journal (recipe was "borrowed"); looks good
4.0 out of 5
464 ratings
restored church-to-restaurant serving comfort food
Union WoodshopSee Union Woodshop Video ($$)
(972 ratings)

18 S Main St Map It!
Clarkston, MI 48346
(248) 625-5660
  • "The Porker"
    house ground pork patty, house made MI maple bacon, house made link, pickled chilies, Woodshop cold smoked cheddar, South Carolina mayo
  • Maple Bourbon Sundae
    MI maple syrup and Jim Beam sauce over house made liquid nitrogen ice cream w/ house made Spanish peanuts
4.0 out of 5
972 ratings
est. 1995; rustic, casual serving comfort food; almost everything is homemade
Clarkston, MI   (2 restaurants - Hide Closed)    

 Nearby Cities:
  • Ferndale, MI (1) - 24 mi.
  • Eastpointe, MI (1) - 30 mi.