
Birch Run, MI

  (1 restaurant - Hide Closed)    
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Tony's I-75 RestaurantSee Tony's I-75 Restaurant Video ($$)
(570 ratings)

8781 Main St Map It!
Birch Run, MI 48415
(989) 624-5860
  • Bacon-Lettuce-Tomato Sandwich (BLT)
    world's biggest BLT; bacon piled high...about 20 strips of bacon; world's biggest BLT; bacon piled high...about 20 strips of bacon
3.5 out of 5
570 ratings
#29 (101 Tastiest Places to Chowdown); jumbo sandwiches; jumbo portions; Bill Clinton and Kid Rock have visited
Birch Run, MI   (1 restaurant - Hide Closed)