
Lesage, WV

  (1 restaurant - Hide Closed)    
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Hillbilly Hot DogsSee Hillbilly Hot Dogs Video ($)
(415 ratings)

6951 Ohio River Rd Map It!
Lesage, WV 25537
(304) 762-2458
  • Home Wrecker
    1-lb hot dog w/ mega toppings; 15-inch all-beef hot dog, deep-fried, jalapeno peppers, habanero sauce, coleslaw, and sauerkraut; eat in 12 min and win a T-shirt; looks good
  • Single Wide Burger
    3.5-lb all-beef burger; size of man-hole cover
  • Hot Dog
    Guy got it w/ pickled jalapeno peppers, nacho cheese, BBQ sauce, mustard, mayo, ketchup, chili sauce, chopped onions, coleslaw, relish and sauerkraut; looks good
  • Rahall Redhot Wiennie
    named after Congressman Nick Rahall; hot dog w/ ketchup, hot mustard, fried onions, jalapeno & habanero peppers and sauerkraut
4.5 out of 5
415 ratings
#15 (101 Tastiest Places to Chowdown); total dive...yard-sale junk creates fun atmosphere; dining area inside abandoned school buses...looks fun; where Roger & Jane Holme (DDD fans) celebrated their 100th DDD restaurant at (they got 1 Home Wrecker & 2 Wide spell out '100')
Lesage, WV   (1 restaurant - Hide Closed)    

 Nearby Cities:
  • Huntington, WV (3) - 10 mi.
  • Hurricane, WV (1) - 16 mi.